martes, 13 de abril de 2010


¡Hola! ¡Finalmente terminé mi ensayo! Woooo, con mucha ayuda de Dvd (ahora te diré Dvd XD) n_n ¡gracias!
Aquí vuelvo a escribir jeje, acabo de encontrar una hoja de papel con algo escrito, así que lo pasaré, creo que es de cuando todavía no tenía mi cuarto propio o.O:

Random Ideas:
Raindrops falling to the floor
Dawns... Twilights
Stars... Shiny stars
Look at the sky

I'm a bored person, not really interesting
I can be simple sometimes
I don't like to be alone
The most important value for me is friendship, I've lost so many friends.
I'm sentimental
I'm twee
I love music, the piano is my passion, even if it doesn't looks like it is.
When I listen to piano songs it fills me, like magic inside me.
My second passion, or maybe the first is drawing, people told me it was like a gift tho I really don't think it is, not for me. I really think I need to improve it, there's brilliant people out there, there are. Their drawings are amazing.
I don't know what's going on with me, but I think I'm forgetting those passions.
Who I am.
I love to read and I'm not doing it, I haven't read a book in a long time... I'm ashamed of me. I feel like I'm forgetting who I am. Where is the old Ana? The old me? Have I changed? If I did... was it for good or for bad? I wanna know, I'm missing the old me...
I love to write stories too, tho I don't finish them, I don't know why is that. Sometimes ideas come to me, lots of them and I can't put them in order.
Where am I? Is this me?

o.o No hace mucho que escribí eso... como... 5 meses o 6 máximo... o.o y creo que me sigo preguntando lo mismo.

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It's sad... To feel that you don't fit where you are. In the group where you are and you rather hide somewhere else where you fee...